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3 tips to staff smarter, not harder this tax season

2023年3月5日·3分钟阅读·美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载 & CIMA Insights博客

许多188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址事务所需要人员方面的帮助, but tax season presents a unique challenge: hiring enough people to handle the extra work. 随着越来越多的公司采用远程工作, traditional staffing methods may no longer function as they did before.

Thankfully, there are ways to deal with your staffing problems this tax season. Some strategies include adopting remote or hybrid work environments, outsourcing talent or tasks and effectively retaining employees.

With these three strategies, you can ensure your firm has enough people to handle this tax season.

1. 培养灵活包容的工作环境.

Remote and hybrid work environments have made it possible for you and CPA firms to hire more people without buying more office space.

在最近的一次Zoom会议上, we asked a few tax accountants about their experience with staffing issues, such as making a more cohesive culture using remote or hybrid workplaces.

凯利·罗斯,188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址,经营着自己的公司, said that maintaining her practice entirely online is like a dream and provides her with more possibilities for hiring. She arranges weekly office meetings and chats with her employees about nonwork topics to keep them engaged and connected.

188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址Chris wititch, 博尤姆·巴伦舍尔的合伙人, agreed that having department meetings regularly can build community. He also suggested screen-sharing for one-on-one training and recording sessions for onboarding.

188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址经常远程招聘, which allows them to cast a wider net to hire more quickly and reduce recruitment costs. You can develop your firm swiftly without extensive staffing expenses or local constraints.

2. 外包人才和任务.

Outsourcing is also becoming more popular among CPAs because it helps you save money while still having access to top-notch professionals.

After receiving several tax-season referrals, Rohrs needed to hire additional staff. She said that you can be creative when looking for employees and find flexible team members instead of high-level specialists. 她雇了当地的母亲来承担一般的工作, adding that new parents often struggle to re-enter the workforce.

Wittich worked with an employment agency to hire a bookkeeper based in India and preparers for 401(k) audits. 他说,在他们完成训练之后, they felt like part of the team and that they were pleased.

Hiring talent based in a different country may not be the best solution for everyone.

Chet Buchman, CPA, CGMA,管理合伙人 斯文道尔,简森,霍克 & 劳埃德,有限责任公司, mentioned in the Zoom session that his Kansas firm doesn’t hire offshore team members. Instead, his firm recruits seasonal administrative, tax and audit interns. He advised coming up with creative assignments and keeping tabs on what the interns have already completed.

Hiring seasonal employees can help with tax-season staffing and allows you to use additional professionals while focusing on your team’s strengths without the costs and risks of adding more full-time team members.

3. 留住可靠的人才.

During this tax season, CPA firms need reliable employees. 当你有值得信赖的团队成员时, you can be sure that your team will finish the work well and on time.

Wittich said you should care for hardworking employees by paying attention to their needs. He mentioned the importance of putting team members first by building a sense of community — asking what works, what should be changed and what makes the job the most fun.

Rohrs suggested seeing team members in person at least once a year to get to know them. She hosts a three-day seminar and rewards her staff with lunch or gift cards.

By taking the time to look at your current staffing needs and plans for future growth, you can retain dedicated staff and understand the competency gaps you need to fill when hiring new employees.

Wittich, speaking to the importance of prioritizing staffing concerns, said: “If staffing is the No. 1 issue, I would really encourage you to set aside time to address it. Because it’s a constant struggle, and you know it takes time to [train] and get better ... you really have to set aside the time and prioritize it.”

Rohrs explained how approaching hiring issues with an open mind is beneficial: “The way that staffing has always been done is not sustainable. Keeping up with the times, [we] have to think outside of the box ... Keep your options open and learn what other people are doing.”

通过满足员工需求, you can ensure that your firm is ready for any challenges that may arise this tax season and in the future.

阅读更多关于 解决人员配备问题 and enjoy the full discussion from Rohrs, Wittich and Buchman in the “重新设想你的税务实践:重新考虑人员配置缩放视频.

小威廉·卡特., M.F.A.

小威廉·卡特. 是美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载的内容写手 & CIMA, together as the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants.


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